A Time to Speak 2 – Yated Neeman

yated.jpgThe Monday daily Israeli Yated column ‘A Time to Speak 2’ addresses last week’s defeat in the Yerushalayim mayoral election, pointing a finger of blame without actually mentioning names.

The defeat in Yerushalayim resulted in a loss of control of City Hall by the chareidi community, compelling a cheshbon nefesh, and from this, no one may turn one’s head with the realization that members of the chareidi community joined the ‘chiloni’ (non-frum) camp, voting for a chiloni candidate.

It is not the time to enter into the controversy that surrounded the lone frum candidate, but at the end of the day, we had to support the shomer Shabbos candidate, but instead, there are those among us, in the chareidi camp, who voted for the chiloni candidate.

They distributed “anti-Semitic election propaganda” to scare the chilonim against a chareidi take-over of Yerushalayim, bringing out the chiloni voters and those who supported the chiloni candidate.

NOTE: The Israeli Yated, and the American Yated are two independently owned newspapers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

16 Responses

  1. I don’t claim to know everything about the manner, but it’s most ironic that Porush was scorned by his own community (Gur-Aguda) and now he’s protected by his past rivals…

  2. This is very poorly written, I could barely make out the point. But if the argument is that chareidim should support a shomer shabbos candidate just because he is shomer shabbos (regardless of whether he would be a good mayor) I think all of us who had a problem with blacks who supported Obama just because he was black regardless of his qualifications, should have the same problem with shomrei shabbos supporting Porush just because he is shomer shabbos, regardless of his qualifications.

    ודי להבין למי שיודע כל הפלוטיקה שם

  4. BEREL Sorry To Tell You But American Elections You Should Vote For Someone Thats Qualified, But When You Deal With Someone Being Elected Between Jews You Have To Follow The HALACHOS Writen By Our Sages. Check’t Up In The RAMBAM In HILCHOS MELOCHIM, PEREK 1 HALACHA 4 And 7.

  5. PGAGM – the Gerrer rebbe instructed his followers how to vote and they listened to their daas torah – what’s the problem? And the Rambam is talking about appointing a Melech, not a mayor in an Israeli government. Are you suggesting that medinas yisroel has a din of a malchus yisroel?!?!?!

  6. i think being YWN is based here in the USA
    we shouldnt get involved in issues that arent nogya to us
    this is loshon hora with out any sofek and you are coming out against that specific group of chasidim who didnt vote for porush
    the fact that yated came out with it doesnt make it any less of an aveyra of spreading loshon hora
    continuing to discuss and prolong this argument wont bring the geula any closer

  7. very interesting that they do not attack there own party who supported a non-frum Candidates – a mechelel Shaboss – against a frum person who was also a standing in Netivot, Kiryat Ata, and Natanya!!!!!!!!

  8. Was the article in the US or Israeli edition? Can you give us a link to the whole article please. There was a very pro Ger article in the Israeli edition last Thursday. Thank you.

  9. The problem is that the entire demographic is abnormal. There is a fast growing large population of non working people entirely dependent on State and outside aid. Their only concern is who will give them the most money. If people were finanically independent, mature and principled, having the attitude of what they can give, rathter than what they can get, they would not be looking out for their exclusive personal gain, and getting into this childish petty Chilul Hashem violence. Instead, they would have brioader concern for the good of the Yerushalyim and Medina as a whole rather than just their daled amos.

  10. The Yated has been the tool of machlokes for a long time. Any group who veers from their POV is acceptable for mud slinging. Some weeks it is Chabad, always the NRP, some chassidic groups and frum American Olim.

  11. The Yeted does not mention Ger because they were not the only ones who didnt vote for Porush. Porush lost by 18,000 votes Ger has in Yerushalaim about 4,000. Boyan didnt vote for Porush either, thats probably anoyher 1,000. A large group of people didnt vote for Porush because they were sticking up for the Kavod of Harav Eliyashiv etc. All in all he was still short about 10,000 votes.
    All of the Rebbes who said not to vote Porush had good reason to. None of them said to vote for the “chiloni” that was the doing of the askanim in the different kehilos. And I am sure that None of these Gedolim tolerate violence.

  12. Was the Yated as worried about “Chillul Hashem” when the police were called because the Ponevezer were throwing chairs at each other? Methinks not.

    Chasidim listening to their Rebbe is what appears to be bothering the Yated.

  13. BEREL Can Any (CHASIDIC) RABBI Tell His Followers To Do Against The HALACHA? I Gues You Didn’t Check The RAMBAM Inside, He’s Talking About Any Position Between Jews Not Only A King Or In ERETS YISRAEL, Even The Person In Charge Of A AMAS HAMAYIM, Check’t Up Inside.

  14. One of the keys to politics, especially in Israel, is to establish and maintain coalitions. Those that can are successful; those that cannot fail. It is hard to believe that Gimel’s plan was to lose the election and then say to Gerer Chasidim: “look what you got us into.” More effort was obviously necessary to smooth over relations with the entire frum community; and I think that efforts could have also been made to better court the dati l’eumi crowd, as well, as I’ve heard some of them were not entirely happy with the choices they were given on the ballot. If, as Rabbi Porush said, he wants to be the leader of all of Jerusalem, it was his responsibility to reach out to all segments of the community, including his supposed base, and take no one for granted.

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