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Some Segments of the Population do not Enjoy Proper Representation

Senior Likud MK Silvan Shalom, a former foreign minister, told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Razi Barkai on Sunday morning that he remains concerned that certain “segments of Israeli society” do not enjoy proportionate representation in government.

Shalom continues to question the lack of Sephardi representation on the party’s lineup as the new celebrity lineup includes all Ashkenazim.

Shalom was critical of the “princes on white horses” who are guaranteed a secure slot on the party list while others must contend in party primaries in the hope of landing a realistic slot. Shalom commended Dr. Binyamin Begin and Dan Meridor for their decision to wave a secure slot, opting to throw their names into the hat and accept the outcome of the party’s primaries.

Shalom stated he is confident and “it is clear to all that I was in a senior post in the past and will continue to hold a senior post in any government formed by Binyamin Netanyahu. While he holds the party’s number two slot, he and party leader Netanyahu are indeed political adversaries.

Asked by Barkai regarding the deteriorating situation in Gaza, he stated that it is obvious a ground forces operation is inevitable, adding that Israel does not necessarily need to remain in Gaza for a prolonged period, but whatever necessary to halt the rocket attacks must be done. He stated that Defense Minister Ehud Barak is not alone regarding his responsibility to declare his intentions, calling on Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who heads the Kadima Party, to announce her plans regarding the dire situation in Gaza today.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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