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Minister Ayalon Announces his Departure from Labor Party

Minister Ami Ayalon at a Sunday morning news conference announced he is breaking away from the Labor Party. The former ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) director is known for his left-wing views, and he stated that he is indeed heading to the political left, but he did not specify if his new home will be with Meretz, Meimad or the new left-wing entity that is forming.

Ayalon had harsh words for Labor leader Defense Minister Ehud Barak; stating Labor today lacks any defined direction or leadership.

Ayalon denied reports that state he is calling on Meretz to conduct a poll to determine if he or the current party leader, Chaim Oron, is more popular among Meretz voters.

While Ayalon has decided to leave Labor, he is not giving up his cabinet post and he is not indicating his new political home just yet.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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