Did Gerrer Chassidim Vote for Barkat?

While the dust is beginning to clear surrounding this week’s election for Jerusalem mayor, the atmosphere in the chareidi community is a heavy one, one clouded with anger and other unhealthy emotions as members of respective communities ponder their actions which resulted in the loss of the chareidi candidate in the election.

One question being asked is if Gerrer Chassidim voted for the Mayor-elect, Nir Barkat, or if they just placed a white slip or possibly did not vote at all.

It is clear to all that the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita did not instruct anyone to vote for opponents of Meir Porush, senior Gerrer askanim report. “Definitely not, those who say otherwise are lying” they explain.

Well, adding fuel to the post-election fire is an exclusive Chadrei Chadarim report, which includes a tape recording between an avreich who prior to the election spoke with HaGaon Rav Meir Silberstein Shlita, the Rav of the Gerrer communities in Yerushalayim and Bet Shemesh as well as a son-in-law of the Rebbe Shlita.

In the conversation, the young avreich asks for whom one should vote in the Jerusalem election. He was told “not for Meir Porush”.

“If you want – if you want to vote, you can place a vote for Barkat, it’s b’seder”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. At least they listen to there manhig
    Unlike many others who think that they are smarter then the gedolim and roshe yeshiva and they know who its better to vote for

  2. I personally happen to think that what the Gerrers did was the biggest aveira shayach.
    But now it’s over – who cares.
    Why is YWN printing this article & fanning the flames of hatred?
    For the sake of Klal Yisroel – just drop it!

  3. recording the rav & publicizing it without his permission is assur.[similar to hezek rieah] ask ur rav.

    what has become of our world – that thers no undertanding & respect for Tznius anymore.

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