Rav Zalman Melamed Shlita: Time for Achdus!

In an article appearing in the weekly B’Sheva Newspaper, affiliated with the dati leumi camp, Rav Zalman Melamed Shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva of Bet El Yeshiva שnd leading posek in the dati leumi community, is calling for achdus, unity, towards achieving the common goal.

“From Kahane to Meimad, it’s time for Achdus” is the title of his article, explaining the various factions are not expected to abandon their customs and ways, but to unite towards achieving the greater goal, achieve that which is of interest to all communities, regardless of the differences in minhag, custom, and ways of life. The Rav is calling on all streams of Jews to unite towards creating a strong single unit that can better actualize the needs of each respective community.

The Rav Shlita adds that unity is necessary towards advancing the interests of yeshivos, yishuvim and other institutions of a Torah way of life.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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