Security Cabinet Turns Down Request for Fortification Funds

The Security Cabinet on Wednesday turned down a request from Defense Minister Ehud Barak for a NIS 500 million allocation towards providing anti-rocket fortification for 4,700 homes in rocket range in the Greater Sderot Area.

Over recent months, 400 mini-shelters have been deployed near schools and public areas, with an additional scheduled for the future. The cabinet feels that the ‘migunit’ units provide a solution for families seeking cover from rocket attacks, adding the situation is difficult but there is a multi-faceted approach towards addressing the rocket threat, not just fortification.

Public Security Minister Avi Dichter supported the cabinet’s decision, stating the Security Cabinet is well aware of the difficult situation and fortification represents only one aspect of addressing the Gaza-based attacks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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