UPDATED 23:06PM – 42-43 Percent Voter Turnout Spells Victory for Porush – Results NOT Released

vote4.jpg[UPDATES IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] IMPORTANT NOTE: No election results have been released as of this posting, as the votes are being counted. Various news sites are reporting that Porush has been defeated, but this is only in an earlier exit poll. As the report below shows, the numbers are tightening.

UPDATE 23:06PM IL: According to Yehoshua Pollack, if Meir Porush does not take the mayoral race with a 42-43% voter turnout that would attest to the fact that he failed to deliver the goods among the chareidi population.

UTJ pollsters estimate that Porush received at least 10,000 votes from the non-frum community and they are counting on the fact that Arkadi Gaydamak took at least 7% of the vote, which is also a Porush boost.

Bet Shemesh:

Moshe Abutbul takes the Bet Shemesh race according to reliable but not yet final tabulation of votes. Abutbul enjoyed widespread chareidi support and if final numbers support the early results, he becomes the first chareidi mayor of Bet Shemesh.


Radio 101.5 poll shows Dr. Yechiel Lasri wins the race 51% to Tzvi Zilker with 49%. (Zilker was a supporter of the Gaza expulsion plan).


Ruvik Danilowitz unseated 10-year incumbent Yaakov Turner according to a Radio Darom poll.

Kiryat Ata:

A Haifa Radio poll shows an easy victory for the incumbent, Yaakov Peretz with 63% of the vote.

22:20PM IL: It now appears the Jerusalem voter turnout was not 45% as reported, but closer to 40-41%, which works in Meir Porush’s favor.

In addition, chareidi analysts question the Channel 1 poll, which does not credit Gaydamak with 7% of the vote, which also assists Porush, explaining that all pre-election polls gave Gaydamak about 7% and it is difficult to believe that suddenly he does not receive the votes.

Cautious optimism would be the most appropriate description of the atmosphere in the Porush headquarters in the Har Chotzvim area of Yerushalayim. The Chabad contingent is quite confident of a success and they are already singing the Chabad Didon L’Netzach victory niggun.

In other election news, Israel Police reports a total of 420 violent and irregular election-related incidents and 20 people were detained during the day.

UPDATE 22:50PM IL: Voter turnout in Yerushalayim seems to be leveling off at about 43%, some 220,000 voters. Porush officials are interested in the percentage of chareidi voters in today’s election. Estimates are about 94,000 votes, which compels Porush supporters to once again to look at Gaydamak to see how many votes he pulled from Nir Barkat.

The United Torah Judaism computerized database which monitored the poll indicates about 103,000 – 104,000 Porush votes, which means if Gaydamak pulled 7%, Porush may still take the race.

One must remember in the last Jerusalem mayoral race, Nir Barkat believed he won the race and until about 23:30, celebrants believed that Barkat may have indeed taken the race. About midnight the polls began showing this was not the case and Porush supporters believe that it will take a number of hours in this case as well until it is learned that Porush is the next mayor.

Deputy Mayor Yehoshua Pollack, who correctly predicted the Betar race, stated if the numbers being reported are accurate, he believes Porush is the mayor of Jerusalem.

Bet Shemesh Race:

Gerrer Chassidim did not support candidate Moshe Abutbul according to a Kol Chai Radio report. Toldos Aaron Chassidim in Bet Shemesh, who usually do not take part in elections, reportedly did vote.

Elad Race:

Yitzchak Eden of Shas seems to have taken 13 mandates. (Not final)

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. nothing to worry about, we saw what lupliansky was able to change in the city. during his tenure more stores opened on shabbos, chometz was sold on pesach and of course, let’s not forget the TOAVAH parade in the streets of yerushalaim. even if porush gets elected you can only expect that the city will be changed to the benefit of chilonim.

  2. What an immature comment!!! The morality of the world dropped like mad in the last ten years all over the world and you blame the mayor???

    I assume you blame the mayor for the spread of smart phones with video that are being Mashchis the world too!

  3. How can you call the comment immature? Lupliansky clams to be religious and I assume that he is, how can he stay his full term in office when he sees so many disasters Holy city of the world going up in smoke right in front of his face and he does NOT quit ???

  4. Forgive me, but I do not understand the direction given by R’ Steinman shlita. On the one hand, the strong suggestion that people vote supposes a recognition that choice will determine outcome. Free choice is the essence of both the democratic process and our ability given by Hakodosh boruch hu to do good or evil. On the other hand, Directing people how to vote, and implying that supporting anyone other than the chareidi candidate is tantamount to avodah zarah, is a statement NOT to excercise free choice, and only to use the process to maybe possibly get a mayor who will SUCCESSFULLY improve the lives of all of the residents of Yerushalayim. Forgive me, but I do not understand Rav Steinman shlita’s position, or reasoning, or, knowing that no one can see the future, how daas Torah can assume that R’ Porush will be able to do the Job successfully, even with the best of intentions to do so.

  5. It’s mind boggling how for whatever reason you engage in yellow journalism.
    I understand you want Porush to win, but false reporting?

  6. Jerusalem: 191 ballots counted, Barkat leads with 52.3%

    Published: 11.12.08, 01:49 / Israel News

    After the counting of 191 ballots in Jerusalem, secular candidate Nir Barkat continues to lead with 52.3% of votes. In second place is ultra-Orthodox candidate Meir Porush with 33.2%.

    Billionaire Arcadi Gaydamak has 9.7% of the vote so far, and Dan Biron is last with less than one percent. (Amnon Meranda)

  7. Four hours after municipal elections polls closed across the country, Israel awaited final results.

    In Jerusalem, with 197 of 707 polling stations counted, opposition leader Nir Barkat had received 48 percent of the votes, MK Meir Porush of the United Torah Judaism Party 33%, and Israeli-Russian billionaire tycoon Arcadi Gaydamak 9%.

    Source Jpost.com

  8. (IsraelNN.com) Election Results updated to 2:35 a.m.

    JERUSALEM 200+ of 707 polling stations counted
    Barkat 50%
    Porush 42%
    Gaydamak 7%

  9. Let’s have in mind that the Israeli elections are a means for the Chareidy community to identify with a team, similar to the strong identification Americans have to a sports team. It certainly is not good enough of a reason to foster true “sinas chinam” and hard feelings amongst frum yidden.

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