PHOTOS – Rav Shteinman Addresses Ramat Beit Shemesh Elections


(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) On Monday afternoon, Maran Rav Steinman Shlita paid a visit to Ramat Bet Shemesh and delivered a speach on the upcoming election tomorrow, Tuesday, endorsing Rav Moshe Abutbul as Mayoral candidate and Gimmel as party. Rav Shteinman spoke in the Gra shul, under Rav Elimelech Kornfeld Shlita’s leadership.
He strongly denounced voting for any party that is not under direct Rabbinic guidance saying that this is a chilul Hashem which is a worse aveira than Avoida Zoro.
Despite the short notice, there was standing room only with a huge overflow outside the shul and women and Bais Yaakov girls giving kovod to the Rosh Yeshiva from across the street.

Earlier today YWN reported about the urgent gathering which was held on Monday in the presence of Rav Shteinman Shlita along with Roshei Yeshiva and kollel heads, in the Ahavas Torah Shul in Yerushalayim. Click HERE for that story, along with an audio file.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for an album of the Yerushalayim event – including photos of leading Gedolim.

(On Scene Reporting by YWN Israel Correspondent)

7 Responses

  1. michal, I’d be very surprised if Nir Birkat got elected in Beit Shemesh especially as he’s running in Yerushalayim. (There are three secular candidates there and only one charadi – Porush.)

    In Beit Shemesh (And editor, it’s Beit Shemesh elections, not Ramat Beit Shemesh elections) probably the most important thing is to get the blatantly corrupt Danny Vaknin out. (Vaknin arranged for fake polls to be published showing him in the lead.) Lerner should be able to pull it off, even with Abutbul siphoning off votes. Ironically, Abutbul’s core is in RBS Bet, of which large portions may not even vote at all. Abutbul advertised in RBS aleph as well – in English! Obviously an attempt to pull in English speaking voters. I don’t think he did it though. For one thing his English signs were awkward translations of slogans that made much more sense in Hebrew: “Action with Results.” For another thing, frankly RBS aleph is very turned off by RBS bet.

  2. hey pichas i live in rbs a & you are off your rocker – abutbul advertisement outnumbered lerner’s by ten to one at least.
    if lerner wins you can thank the gerrers who did everything in thier power to undermine & sabotage everything the chareidim were trying to accomplish.
    by the way YWN please keep us updated on the bet shemesh elections.

  3. I live in RBS Bet, and unfortunately didn’t see too many signs for Lerner, it could also be that people felt intimidated, and were afraid of being harrassed by supporters of the other canditate, (so they didn’t outwardly show their support) which would be nothing new in this “neck of the woods”. May the best man win!

  4. Shalom Lerner is a fine Yid with great Yirat Shamayim and Ahavat Yisrael. I think he is the only candidate who can bring some achdut to BS.
    Shalom arranged for bus loads of families from the North to find shelter in BS during the Lebanon War . In addition he has worked tirelessly for the Ethiopian and Russian communities helping with Kiruv and has greatly increased the budget for Yiddishkeit projects.
    He has a great vision for BS and has the backing of many Rabbomim icluding the Gerer Rav Shlita

  5. notpashut, I didn’t say anything about Abutbul not having tons of signs. I said they look awkward in English. And I have to say I think more the English speakers in Aleph are voting for Lerner. Either way Lerner certainly will pick up a lot of votes in Aleph and his core support comes from Beit Shemesh proper.

    Both Abutbul and Lerner would make fine Mayors.

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