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Degel: Vote Porush

k1.jpgWith Election Day less than 24 hours away, there is concern that the Degel HaTorah community in Yerushalayim may not get out and vote due to the controversy that surrounds the chareidi candidate, Rav Meir Porush.

As a result, Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita was asked regarding the “chareidi candidate Porush” and according to a Chadrei Chadarim report, quoting senior Degel officials, Rav Kanievsky stated unequivocally that the chareidi tzibur, including Degel, must vote Porush.

In addition, it is reported that Maran Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita met with Litvish roshei yeshiva in his home and instructed them to sign a Kol Korei so there be no doubt that the tzibur must vote Porush since if a non-frum candidate emerges the new mayor of Yerushalayim, the chilul Hashem is greater than all other considerations.

In the meantime, Porush opponents are stepping up their campaign, circulating yellow voting slips that say “Kovod HaTorah” in place of Porush’s name.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Look, Porush sometimes has “foot-in-the-mouth” disease. But, that is no reason to be spiteful and to vote for an anti-Dati candidate.

  2. they certainly have to listen & vote, BUT the gedolim are only saying so due to the unfortuanate situation being theres no other choice.
    So people should vote but with a heavy heart, for the bizayon hatorah etc. that took place.

    truly ikvasa d’mishicha

  3. I am not so sure that the “anti dati” candidate will be so bad … how about looking at his character and what he is willing to do for you, not just blindly follow what someone else says

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