YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 11/9/08


*A Jewish motorist was targeted in a Sunday afternoon rock-throwing attack near Chevron. No injuries were reported.

*Sunday evening: An Israeli was lightly injured in a rock-throwing attack near Bet Omer in the Chevron district.


*An Israeli who made a wrong turn found himself in PA-controlled Ramallah. He was arrested by PA security and turned over to Israeli officials. He may face charges for violating the IDF ban on Israelis entering PA autonomous areas. It should be pointed out that while supporters of the Oslo Agreement boast ‘dual existence’, PA residents may enter Israeli areas while Israelis entering PA areas are either lynched or turned over to police.

*A fight erupted in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Sunday morning between rival Greek Orthodox and Armenian factions. Police were called in to restore order.

*Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated if Israel wishes to exhibit a genuine desire for peace, it must first withdraw from occupied lands.

*Members of the Ethiopian immigrant community protested outside the PM’s Office on Sunday against their poor living conditions. A number of arrests were made.

*The cabinet on Sunday approved a bill by Justice Minister Friedman intended on preventing people from registering for more than one political party. The bill will permit comparing party lists.

*PM Olmert reminded the cabinet ministers at Sunday’s meeting of the annual memorial for Yitzchak Rabin. He also remembered Kristallnacht. No mention was made of the yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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