Some MKs Travel to Chevron Seeking to Prevent a Miscarriage of Justice

Seven MKs were on hand on Thursday in the hope of preventing the eviction of Jews from the Bet HaShalom in Chevron. The dispute is somewhat ironic, since the Jewish community has shown all the required paperwork to prove ownership of the building, yet authorities seem less interested in facts and more interested in the political climate, working to oust the Jews from the multi-family structure.

Tens of Jews moved into the building after it was purchased, living there since 2007. The defense minister has issued an eviction order, which was met with petitions to the Supreme Court.

The MKs explained they have the backing of 51 lawmakers who are opposed to the eviction, which they insist is “politically motivated, not judicially.”

Coalition MKs who traveled to Chevron included Otniel Schneller (Kadima) and Nissim Ze’ev and Chaim Amsellem (Shas).

National Union MK Prof. Aryeh Eldad stated the house was legally bought and paid for but the government prefers to use the ongoing judicial dispute to gain support among left-wing voters.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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