Terrorist PM Speaks of Recognizing Israel

isl.jpgAccording to reports from Gaza, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah told members of the European parliament who arrived on the Dignity, which docked in Gaza on Saturday, that he is willing to recognize Israel on condition Israel agrees to return to the borders that existed prior to the June 1967 Six Day War.

Such a reality would involve Israel relinquishing sovereignty over liberated areas of Yerushalayim, including the Kosel and Har HaBayis, as well as Yehuda, Shomron, the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley.

According to a Haaretz report, when asked by members of the European parliament if there are two Palestinian governments today, one in Gaza and one in Yehuda & Shomron. Haniyah stated “We do not have a state, not in Gaza and not in the West Bank. Gaza is sealed and the West Bank occupied. We do not have a government in Gaza, but a regime of an elected entity. A Palestinian state can only arise in the borders of pre-1967.”

Lord Nazir Ahmed of Britain, who headed the delegation of 11 European parliamentarians, asked about the relations between the Hamas regime in Gaza and Iran as well as seeking Haniyah’s response to Israeli statements that Hamas is interested in wiping out the State of Israel and to drive the Jews into the sea.

“Our relations with Iran are similar to those of other Arab nations. Does an embargoed nation waiting with anticipation for a boat from the sea wish to drive the Jews to the sea? I do not have a problem with the Jews. My problem is with the occupation,” replied Haniyah.

Haniyah told Haaretz correspondents in Gaza that talks towards a truce between Hamas and Fatah scheduled to begin on Sunday, today, in Egypt, were postponed since Fatah has rejected a Hamas call to release prisoners. Egypt has been trying to broker a deal between Hamas and Fatah towards agreeing on a date for general elections and the formation of a joint security force.

In another Hamas-related matter, Hamas leader in Damascus Khaled Meshal released a statement that the election of Barak Obama in the US represents a significant change.

“We are willing to speak to the American government. There is no doubt that in the last election a major change occurred. A president with African roots was elected. This represents a major change, both political and psychological, and I congratulate Barak Obama” stated Meshal.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. DONT GIVE THOSE ARABS ANYTHING BACK we lost lives fighting for eretz yisroel, hashem performed miracles for us and we defeated those arab countries like jordan and egypt and syria

    they will still seek to destroy and kill us!

  2. Israel completely and unilaterally evacuating from Gaza in hopes that peace would flourish. What good came from it?
    Immediately upon the expulsion of Yidin by the Sharon Governement, Kassams started raining on Sderot and elswhere.Peace? Recognition?

    “According to reports from Gaza, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah told members of the European parliament who arrived on the Dignity, which docked in Gaza on Saturday, that he is willing to recognize Israel on condition Israel agrees to return to the borders that existed prior to the June 1967 Six Day War.”

    You cannot make deals with the devil.
    Mashal and Haniyah will face the same fate as their predecessors.Keep your recognition and choke on Gaza.

  3. How about we will recognize their right to exist when they give us Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt. Now lets start negotiating peace talks.

  4. This is gevaldig, they will say anything and everything to get an ear. And us jews will jump and try to negotiate with the now “peace loving” Hamas, You see they really love us its just the occupation, I knew it all along.

  5. COMPLETE FALSEHOOD, and what was the war of 1948 all about? The Arabs will NEVER tolerate any Israel in pre ’67 borders or in pre’48 borders, no Israel and no Jews in the Middle East.

  6. Palestine/Israel never belonged to the Palestinians! It was under British rule, the Turks, etc. Why didn’t they fight THEM for “their” land? Until it became a Jewish State they were, it seems, pretty satisfied with the status quo!!

  7. why don’t we just drop bombs all over the arab neighborhoods! then lets call them occupiers! then lets cry out its their occupation thats making us bomb them! why when they do this exact thing their listened 2.

  8. Re #1 and “…we lost lives fighting for eretz yisroel…”

    Does your Hoshkofa allow service in Zahal? Have you lost loved ones in war? Have you ever served in any military?

    If the answer is “yes” to these questions, my hat’s off to you and ignore the rest of this . . . If the answer is no, then you should have said “they lost lives…”

    When it comes to the risks and losses of war, the coddled safe-and-sound are too quick to use the collective “we” when they are in fact immune to the horrors involved.

  9. If he’s conceeding the 1949-1967 territories, that is a major and radical change, since the post-1967 changes might be settled with some sort of cash payment (bribery being cheaper than a war). Israel is in a precarious situation since the hilonim control the economics, political and military establishments, but the demographic future is increasing “frum” , so they might be well advised to try for a peace settlement while they have a chance. Until now most Arabs have been insisting the withdrawal from post-1967 territories was a precondition to negotiating how much if any of the 1949-1967 territory Israel could keep.

  10. #13, i asume #1 meant we as in klal yisroel, and i certainly don’t think that considering all of klal yisroel to be a ‘we’ is a problem.

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