Meridor Joins Likud – Blasts Kadima

On Sunday morning, Dan Meridor proudly announced his return to Likud. The Likud prince as many refer to him is among the more respected voices in the nation, a politician who enjoys the respect of his adversaries along with his supporters. He carries an air of being a clean politician, one who will by most accounts attract voters to Likud.

Meridor, who father was an Irgun commander, who has deep roots in Likud, left a number of years ago, seeking to fulfill his political ambitions in a more centrist environment.

On Sunday morning, at his nationally aired press conference, he announced Likud today is a ‘centrist party not a fringe party’.

He lashed out at Kadima, the ruling party, for its major failures, citing first and foremost security. Meridor pointed to the failures of the Second Lebanon War, the Winograd report that followed, documenting the failures, and the situation that exists today in Gaza.

He stated Likud in the past has moved towards peace, and in the future, it will move ahead towards returning security, stability, and hopefully peace with many of Israel’s neighbors as possible. He stated that Israel is compelled to initiate peace overtures, but then, it is in the court of Israel’s neighbors and success depends on them.

Meridor also made mention of the global financial crisis, stating it will still hit hard in Israel, presenting itself with a loss of jobs, loss of employment and other difficulties. He stated Likud’s fiscal policies are critical to lead the nation through this difficult period, calling for “seasoned and responsible leadership”.

The second major failure of Kadima stated Meridor was the government’s attack on the nation’s judicial system and its institutions, the Supreme Court and the State Prosecutor, having harsh words for the policies of the Kadima administration, particularly, Justice Minister Daniel Friedman.

Regarding a report in Haaretz, stating that one of his conditions towards returning was refusing entry to Likud to National Union MK Effie Eitam, a political hawk, Meridor stated “it is simply not true”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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