Gaza Underground Providing Fuel and More

The tunnel network created by terrorists in Hamas-controlled Gaza has since expanded and now provides an array of goods and services, including diesel fuel, beef and lamb, bread, cigarettes, electronic appliances, toys, clothing, and of course, weapons for warfare against Israel.

An estimated 120,000 liters of diesel fuel is being pumped into Gaza from Egypt daily, resulting in the Hamas regime not wishing to purchase fuel from Israel, which is considerably more expensive. The Israeli fuel is of a higher grade, but this seems to be of lesser significance in Gaza.

Since there are no diplomatic relations between Hamas and Israel, the businessmen dealing with the fuel have advised Israel’s Dor Energy they are uninterested in purchasing fuel. Prices in Gaza today are about ½ of the Israeli price.

Israel shut down Gaza a number of days ago following the resumption of rocket attacks, but for most Gazans, nothing is missing, relying on the underground network which is increasing, importing goods from Egypt.

The daily Yediot Achronot reports that event the humanitarian crossing from Gaza to Israel is symbolic, with only about 20 cases daily. Most people seeking medical assistance are heading to Egypt, including officials and diplomats.

Experts estimate that 90% of Gaza’s marketplace originates in the tunnels, reaching a monthly turnover of $30-40 million monthly.

Gaza merchant Azzas Nijam stated the only things he hasn’t yet been able to bring via the tunnels is cement, steel, and gas. Everything else is coming via the Egyptian underground network, removing Israel from the picture.

About a month ago, two pipelines for diesel fuel were completed, and now, there is fuel for generators, vehicles, industry, water pumps and more.

Mahmud Shawah, who represents the Gaza gas station owners reports they receive diesel fuel from Egypt at NIS 2 per liter. Admittedly, it is of an inferior quality but usable. The gasoline however is not used since its quality is too poor, deemed unacceptable.

For Hamas, the tunnel reality is a profitable one and an important component, reducing the pressure that resulted in the past due to the Israeli embargo. Today merchants report, one will not easily find a shortage as was the case in the past.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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