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Yartzeit of Rachel Imeinu – 72 Hours Away


A most special opportunity at one of the most special places in the world. On Sunday, November 9  tens of thousands of jews will gather at Kever Rachel in honor of Mama Rochels Yartzeit.  At approximately 9:30AM EST the entire assembly will be reciting the ten final kapitelach of Tehillim at Kever Rochel,  joined by thousands of children from schools around the world.

You can take part in this momentous occassion by forwarding your kvitel to the site of Mama Rochel by clicking HERE or calling 1888 -276- 2435 (2-Rochel).

On motzei Shabbos, the Egged 163 bus will be running at closer intervals, traveling directly from and to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station without stops in Geula and Meah Shearim.

Motzei Shabbos, 11 Cheshvan, marks the yahrzeit of Rachel and the bus cooperative promises there will be adequate service to and from Kever Rachel in Bet Lechem.

The service on motzei Shabbos will begin at 19:30 until 01:00. The buses returning from Kever Rachel will begin at 20:00 and continue until 02:00. Bus service will resume on Sunday at 07:00 until 19:00 from the central bus station and from 08:00 to 20:00 from Kever Rachel.

Security officials have announced the kever will not open to the public on motzei Shabbos until 19:30. Visitors are requested in advance to exhibit patience since the Kever compound is very limited in the number of people it can accommodate at one time. 

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. No tefillah for women compares with the davening at Kever Rochel. There are a few individuals who have shown mesirus nefesh in keeping a 24/7 presence at the Kever, they need our tremendous thanks. Evelyn Hayes is one of those special woman, she owns the home next to the kever where you can make simchos and the beis midrash there is always busy. Kol Hakavod to the lovers of Zion.

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