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Bet HaShalom’s Fate Hanging in the Balance

The building situation on the road between Chevron and Kiryat Arba known as Bet HaShalom was legally purchased by Jews about 18 months ago, but for reasons that smell of pure political agenda, authorities are opting to ignore the documents proving ownership and are working in earnest to oust the Jewish tenants.

Proponents of the growth of the Jewish community in the Chevron area are calling on supporters to begin faxing and sending SMS text messages to officials, to bombard them with the message that the building is Jewish as was shown to the Supreme Court when the ownership papers were presented, and they are therefore compelled to act to stop the harassment and injustices of the present government.

According to Women in Green leader Nadia Matar, the effort to destroy Bet HaShalom is being led by Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, calling on supporters to begin faxing his office (972-2-646-7001) call (972-2-646-6521/2), or email: [email protected].

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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