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Shas Allegations Against Likud in Bet Shemesh Race

Shas’ Bet Shemesh mayoral candidate Rav Moshe Abutbal is angry at Likud, accusing the city’s mayor of using unacceptable tactics in the city’s election campaign.

According to Rav Abutbul, Likud’s attitude towards Shas is “hostile” and unacceptable, stating that things have gotten out of hand, compelling him to turn to Shas Party leader Eli Yishai, who in turn placed a phone call to Likud leader and premiership candidate Binyamin Netanyahu.

Abutbal explains for example, Likud incumbent, Bet Shemesh Mayor Yossi Vaknin is using photos of a Neturei Karta visit to Iran to depict chareidim in a bad light – inciting the secular public against chareidi yidden. He stated “derogatory” photos, some from the Holocaust era, are being used to “incite” the secular population against Shas.

According to Abutbul, Yishai warned Netanyahu that if this continues, Likud should not expect Shas’ support for his premiership race in the upcoming general election. Rav Abutbul added that there is “no loving relationship” between Netanyahu and Vaknin, and the Likud leader would most likely be pleased if he was not reelected.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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