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Egyptian Libel Suit Against Lieberman

The sincere apologies by President Shimon Peres and other government officials appear to have fallen short of their intended goal. While a diplomatic fallout may have been prevented between Jerusalem and Cairo, the apologies did not prevent a libel lawsuit, with the daily Yisrael HaYom quoting unnamed “sources” in the Egyptian president’s office as saying the statement will indeed have “ramifications”.

Egypt’s prosecutor announced that a libel lawsuit is being filed against Lieberman, adding if he would have apologized such action would not have been taken but since he rejected opportunities to retract his statements, the legal action is forthcoming.

Lieberman last week, from the Knesset podium stated “Mubarak should go to hell”, stating Israel must have some self respect and demand Mubarak visit Israel. He pointed out in some 30 years after signing a peace agreement with Egypt, Mubarak has continuously refuses to visit Israel while our leaders are willing to accept this fact, always accommodating him and traveling to Egypt.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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