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Tragedy Strikes Yishuv Ofrah

candle.gifMoshe Cohen, 49, a resident of Yishuv Ofrah, was trying to save his 11-year-old son who appeared caught up in the waves at the Tel Baruch beach on Sunday afternoon. The family, who moved to Ofrah from France about a year ago, decided to take advantage of the unseasonably hot day to enjoy the water. Unfortunately, the day ended in tragedy as Moshe z”l drowned in the life saving attempt. His son is alive and did emerge from the water physically unscathed.

Paramedic Manny Fotuk stated that they tried to resuscitate Moshe for about 40 minutes, but were compelled to pronounce him dead when it became clear their efforts were in vain.

Yair Mohair, an official in Tel Aviv City Hall, explained on Sunday the family was swimming in a beach off-limits to swimmers, adding the season has ended and there are no lifeguards in any beach.

Moshe z”l was a dentist who continued his practice in France by making occasional trips. He is survived by his wife Elisheva, and four children, Vivian, a teacher in the IDF, Eliav, David and Daniel.

Ofrah residents were pained to hear the news, stating that while Moshe, his wife and four children were relative newcomers, they made friends quickly and are just the kind of people who bring a smile to the faces of others.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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