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Border Police Injured by ‘Jewish Rocks’

Two border policemen injured lightly in rock-throwing attacks in Chevron on motzei Shabbos were injured by rocks thrown by Jews, not Arabs.

The latest incident has sparked calls for a hard-handed response to “settler violence,” with Defense Minister Ehud Barak leading the media campaign against “extremists” in Yehuda and Shomron, calling the matter to be placed on the Sunday morning weekly cabinet meeting agenda.

ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Director Avi Diskin on Sunday expressed his fears that there are members of the fanatic fringe element in Yosh (Yehuda and Shomron) capable of pulling the trigger on yet another political assassination.

In response to Diskin’s remarks, veteran Chevron resident Baruch Marzel warned he is setting the stage for the implementation of anti-democratic decisions [hinting to administrative detentions], calling on Diskin to take similar action against the prolonged Arab riots in Na’alin and Bilin.

[Both Na’alin and Bilin have become staging grounds for ongoing violent protests against Israel’s construction of the security barrier, areas at which security forces are injured on a regular basis as a result of Arab and left-wing violence].

In addition, no mention is being made by Barak or other cabinet ministers over the actions of security forces, who without any prior warning ordered a bulldozer to destroy the home of a family of nine children.

Chevron supporters of Federman Farm admit the structure was illegal but question the actions of officials, who placed parents and their nine children out in the cold in the middle of the night, without even permitting them time to pack their belongings. Other critics cite that even known terrorists are permitted to appeal a demolition decision to the courts, as is the case with the Jerusalem homes of the bulldozer terrorists, who murdered innocent people yet their homes remain intact.

At the weekly cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated the overwhelming number of residents of Yehuda and Shomron are law-abiding citizens but there is a formidable number of law-breakers and their actions are intolerable and law-enforcement agencies must deal with them accordingly. Defense Minister Ehud Barak more or less echoed the prime minister’s words.

Other officials are calling to make certain that none of the inciters are civil servants and if they are, appropriate measures must be taken against them. It appears those remarks were directed at Rav Dov Lior Shlita, who as Kiryat Arba’s Chief Rabbi is indeed a civil servant. He attended the Friday ceremony laying the cornerstone for the rebuilding of the Federman Farm.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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