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Photos of Female Candidate for Jerusalem City Council Banned from Bus Billboards

eged.jpgExplaining the Egged Bus Cooperative censor has the final say regarding photos to be used on Jerusalem bus billboards, officials in the Canaan Advertising Company explain they cannot use a photo that includes two women, since the photo would be “offensive to the religious sensitivities to certain segments of the public”, obviously referring to the chareidi public.

Canaan spokesman Ohad Gibli was quoted by the Jerusalem Post as explaining the final word on what is and is not acceptable comes from the Egged censor, not his firm.

Egged spokesman, Ron Ratner on the other hand insists Egged was not asked to approve the poster, adding that they would definitely have approved them, explaining it is a modest photo that depicts public figures in a respectable fashion. Ratner calls the complaint from the Wake-Up Yerushalayim ticket in the Jerusalem mayoral race a public relations ploy.

Meirav Cohen, of Wake-Up Yerushalayim, and one of the women in the poster stated that it is sad that today there is such “brazen discrimination” against women.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. This whole thing is ridiculous, as long as the photos are tzinuus this is a new halacha issue. Soon chasunah photos will be of the chasson, father and brothers only!!!! BORING….

  2. sounds suspicious – there are plenty of frum ads for frum audiences with women — more likely some sort of PR stunt by hilonim

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