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Friday Afternoon Israel News Briefs

*Three girls arrested during the night at Federman Farm will remain in prison over Shabbos. A court on erev Shabbos ordered them held until at least Sunday.

*Vehicles were damaged in rock-throwing attacks on the Azzoun Bypass Road late Friday morning. No injuries were reported.

*An anti-tank rocket was fired at IDF soldiers near Kissufim Crossing on the Gaza border. No injuries were reported.

*A 16-year-old Bet Lechem Arab was detained in Jaffa on Friday. He told police he planned to injure soldiers. A search revealed he was not armed.

*US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) will be meeting in Ramallah next week.

*Yigal Amir was transferred to Eshel Prison in a punitive action/ after he gave and unauthorized media interview.

*Arab anti-fence protestors threw stones at IDF soldiers at Na’alin.

*Police are investigating a stabbing incident that occurred in the Talpiot section of the capital. Two Jews allegedly stabbed Arab bakery workers who refused to serve them. Their injuries appear to be light or light-to-moderate.

*A number of residents of Elad were detained by police for their part in trying to convert a caravan into a shul without a permit. A demolition order for the structure may be forthcoming.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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