Israel: Shmuel Ben-Yishai Tells his Side of the Story

While few regard him a hero, most residents and supporters of Yosh (Yehuda and Shomron) do not appreciate the remarks made on Monday by Shmuel Ben-Yishai, remarks that have resulted in a new hate campaign against the residents of yishuvim.

There has been much criticism against reports, especially those appearing in the religious and right-wing media, accused of feeding the left-wing hate campaign. As such, following are excerpts from a Kol Chai Radio interview with Shmuel Ben-Yishai.

Yishai was quoted on the radio calling for IDF soldiers to become the “next Gilad Shalit,” wishing they would “fall to their enemy and in battle,” remarks that resulted in condemnatory comments from the entire political spectrum. Police have already launched an investigation into the matter, signaling they plan to file charges against him and possibly others.

Ben-Yishai elaborated in a Kol Chai Radio interview, stating those who know him are aware he does not “make generalizations,” explaining his remarks, but declining the opportunity to apologize when asked if he wishes to do so.

He explained that he is a supporter of IDF soldiers and his remarks referred specifically to those who took part in the “crime” of destroying the Federman home. Those soldiers he explained he does hope will receive the full weight of “Hashem’s hand” for their actions, the “evil forces that terrorized the Federman family”.

Ben-Yishai went on to draw a comparison, pointing out there is widespread illegal construction in the Arab sector, among Bedouins in the Negev, in the Galilee and throughout Yehuda and Shomron. A terrorist’s home would not be destroyed in the same fashion he explained; pointing out the IDF would permit a wife and children of a terrorist time to pack their belongings before sending in bulldozers to destroy their home.

The actions of the military and the government are “evil” he exclaimed, calmly stating that security forces came in the middle of the night, “throwing the children, infants and a woman in the street, in the Chevron cold, without time to pack or prepare… they entered through windows, using fear as a weapon against the family, not permitting them time to appeal, not to the courts, not the Supreme Court.”

Ben-Yishai stated against those soldiers Hashem must act, those who did not exhibit Jewish traits of compassion and mercy, and he hopes Hashem responds to them in a similar fashion.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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