Degel Faction Stands Behind Porush in Yerushalayim Mayoral Race

porush3.jpgFor weeks, the Litvish chareidi community has been at odds over the reality they do not wish to announce support for Jerusalem mayoral candidate Rav Meir Porush. On the other hand, he is the only Shomer Shabbos candidate, placing voters in a difficult situation.

Last week, a generic letter of support was released, and notices around the frum communities called on voters to cast their ballot for the frum candidate in all municipal elections around Eretz Yisrael.

On that note, the Erlau Rebbe Shlita has been seeking to meet with Maran Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv to discuss the matter of the upcoming elections. That meeting took place on Monday. After the gedolim exchanged greetings, most of those present were requested to leave the room except the Rebbe’s son, the rosh yeshiva of Erlau institutions, and Rav Elyashiv’s grandson, Aryeh Elyashiv.

According to a report released by Chadrei Chadarim, the two discussed Chinuch Atzmai and the upcoming elections, with the Rebbe emphasizing the need to support Porush, adding if he is not successful in his mayoral bid; it would be a chilul Hashem. Rav Elyashiv reportedly agreed.

One report from a chareidi source stated the two agreed to publish a joint letter, specifically endorsing Rav Porush. Apparently, former Betar mayor, Yitzchak Pindrus was instrumental in bridging the gaps towards shalom between the Litvish community and Shomrei Emunim.

Official confirmation of Maran Elyashiv’s support was not forthcoming from his aides but the official message is expected to begin circulating in Yerushalayim on Tuesday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Pindrus would be a Tzaddik Gamur if he can overcome being stabbed in the back by Porush to help him try to win the election. Kol HaKavod.

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