Manual Labor for the Unemployed

Employment service offices are resorting to measures taken in the 1950s to provide employment for the growing number of Israelis out of work. The unemployed will be sent to pave roads, dig ditches, work in gardening and forestry areas, archeological digs and laying railroad tracks.

The number of registered unemployed in Israel today is 200,000 but officials expect tens of thousands to join the roster in the not-so-distant future. According to the director of the service, Yossi Farchi, in his plan presented to the treasury, hi-tech and white collar workers will take a basic training program and then replace foreign workers in the manual labor field. Some will be outsourced to manpower agencies who the government hopes will find them employment.

Factories closing down assembly lines may receive government assistance and outside contracts in the hope of keeping assembly line workers employed. The state will undertake to pay a portion of salaries to prevent layoffs.

Farchi explains much will be done to minimize the number of people who are out of work, adding “this will be a difficult period but we are prepared.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. wow, I always wondered why the Arabs have all the good jobs in Israel when there are so many unemployed… or well, they’re good jobs to have in America benefitwise… it’s about time they did something like this

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