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PA’s Chevron Commander Talks Tough

Hundreds of PA (Palestinian Authority) paramilitary “policemen” entered the Chevron area over the weekend, bringing increased danger to the civilians and Israeli security forces in the area. They are labeled policemen, but in actuality, they dress like soldiers and carry AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifles.

Israel has approved and backs the move, insisting it will “strengthen the moderate, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), hoping to prevent the continues spread of Hamas in Yehuda and Shomron, areas under the PA’s Fatah control, as opposed to the Hamas regime which runs the show in Gaza.

The commander of the PA forces in Chevron Samih Saifi stated, “We are serious and willing to arrest anyone who disturbs law and order … starting with illegal armed groups and whoever deals with illegal arms,” the Jordan Times reported on Sunday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. There are, apparently, no limits to the stupidity of the Israeli “government”. They have the IDF break into the Federmans’ home in the middle of the night (no, I didn’t say the KGB or the SS, I said the IDF, HaSh-m yirachaym) and drag out sleeping parents and children and demolish their “illegal” home, and at the same time they give the OK to arab terrorists to be armed with automatic weapons and “patrol” Hevron! There used to be a myth (even among anti-semites) that all Jews are smart. The Israeli “government” has put an end to the myth. When real civil war (chas v’shalom) breaks out in Eretz Yisrael, don’t blame the “radical right-wingers”, blame the idiotic, unJewish, Israeli “government”!!!

  2. This is more ridiculous than imagined. Maybe set up a group of PA FATAH soldiers to secure the peace in Herzilia and Ramat Hasharon.

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