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Barkat May Lose Labor Party Support in Mayoral Race

Senior Labor Party official Ophir Pines-Paz warns that Jerusalem mayoral candidate Nir Barkat may lose the party’s support due to his “extreme views”. Pines was referring to Barkat’s statements last week expressing support for the establishment of a permanent Jewish presence in the Anata area known as the Shar Mizrach project.

As was reported by YWN on Sunday, police on Shabbos moved in and forcibly evicted a family during their Shabbos evening meal, compelling them to be mechalel Shabbos.

“I think he forgot Labor endorsed him” stated Pines, who is now calling upon Barkat to issue a retraction regarding his support for the expanded Jewish presence in the Greater Yerushalayim.

Pines explains his ‘Jerusalem will Succeed’ list is a party list and he derives benefit from the name as well as Labor support in return for following the party’s political agenda.

Barkat recently visited the Anata site and stated from his point of view, the housing in that area would provide a viable solution to the critical housing shortage for university students and young couples, being driven out of the capital by increasing foreign investment and high-end luxury developments.

Pines states that the Shar Mizrach project is intended to provide a territorial link between Jerusalem and Maale Adumim, a reality that would foil PA (Palestinian Authority) plans for land contiguity between Ramallah and Bet Lechem. This Pines exclaims would be “disastrous” and is totally unacceptable to Labor.

“Barkat’s extreme statements will result in left-wing voters remaining home [on Election Day]” stated Pines, who demands he withdraws his stated support for the project.

The Barkat for Mayor Campaign stated anyone who remains home and does not vote is in essence casting a vote for the opposition…”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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