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1,200 Police on Hand for Hakofos in Akko

mishtara4.jpgIt appears that racial tensions are calming down in Akko after Simchas Torah and second hakofos on motzei yomtov passed without incident. 1,200 police were on hand to maintain order for second hakofos but their services were no required.

The rioting began on Yom Kippur, when an Arab driver exhibit disregard for the holy day and his actions prompted a Jewish response, which led to an Arab response and the subsequent rioting. About 90 people were arrested in the events that followed, about half Jews and half Arabs, with police report approximately a dozen people remain in custody.

A number of Arab homes were destroyed in arson attacks, and a number of Jews were injured in rock-throwing attacks.

Police are hopeful that the tense quiet which exists today will compel residents to return to their former willingness to live side-by-side.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel – written on isru chag in Eretz Yisrael)

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