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Ravitz: Negotiations Ongoing with Kadima

UTJ MK Rabbi Avraham Ravitz reported on Thursday that talks between his party and Kadima have indeed gotten underway; adding the meeting on Wednesday was ‘down to earth’ and productive. He added that another meeting will be held, most likely in the near future. He stated another meeting was due to be held on Thursday but Meretz has since entered the picture, the reality of joining the Kadima coalition has changed since Meretz’s agenda sharply contradicts the chareidi agenda – explaining the inclusion of Meretz may lead to UTJ remaining in opposition.

When asked if he believes that Premier-designate Livni will meet the deadline and present her coalition by next week, he stated that she will require additional time in his opinion, but in the long run, he does believe she will succeed. He was quick to add that “I must be fair and state that a number of my colleagues disagree and do not see Livni succeeding.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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