Report: Israel Willing to Release all Terrorists for Shalit’s Freedom

gilad2.jpgA breaking story was released in Israel today, Thursday, stating the government has informed Hamas it is willing to release all the terrorists appearing on Hamas’ list in exchange for the release of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. The story originates in the Saudi Arabia media, quoting a senior PA (Palestinian Authority) official, who states that Israel is now willing to meet Hamas’ demands in the hope of bringing Shalit home.

The report states that last week’s meeting in Cairo with a senior Egyptian official by Defense Ministry official Amos Gilad was towards information Egypt to pass the message to Cairo, that Israel has capitulated and is willing to show flexibility to obtain Shalit’s release.

A senior unnamed government source quoted in the media states the Saudi report is simply not correct, stressing Gilad did not address Shalit’s release but discussed the Gaza ceasefire as was reported. The source also states that following the establishment of the new government, Israel will approve the release of the 450 terrorists appearing on Hamas’ list and then, in phase two, another 550 terrorists will be released as determined by Israel, not by a Hamas list.

According to the Friends of Gilad Shalit organization, the report is more of the media spin that has become synonymous with the current administration, calling on the government to actually release as many prisoners as necessary to bring Shalit home before it becomes too late and he chas v’sholom becomes a second Ron Arad.

According to a report in the London-based al-Hayat newspaper, Israel is intentionally delaying Shalit’s release since it no longer wishes to move ahead with a three-phase prisoner release deal despite having agreed to such a formula in June.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. A Guten Moyed everybody. Israel could give back all the terrorists and the kitchen sink and they still won’t get Shalit back. R”L!!!!

  2. What are they thinking? First of all, who starts a negotiation by offering everything? Second, do they not realize that this deal would chad v’shalom lead to numerous Gilad Shalits??? May Hashem give us wisdom…

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