Israel: Son Killed in an Accident on Grandfather’s Yahrzeit

candle74.gifOn Wednesday morning, Ofir Sadan recited Kadish for his father who was killed in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In the afternoon, he was compelled to say Kadish again, this time, over the fresh kever of his son Meir z”l, 7.

The accident occurred near Meir’s home in Ohr Ganuz, a chareidi community near Tzfas. There are areas of large boulders which remain from the construction of the community. Meir and a friend were climbing the rocks to make their way to a nearby field when a large boulder dislodged and crushed Meir to death.

One of the boys in the area told authorities “I heard Meir scream twice and then he became silent. I could not look”.

The children ran back to the community to call for assistance. Ofir, 36, was on his way home from shul. Yossi Zlickowitz, a MDA and ZAKA volunteer who was among the first on the scene explained it was immediately apparent that there was nothing to do for the little boy. Meir was buried during the afternoon hours.

Ofir Sadan was from Kibbutz Bet Zera, affiliated with the secular Hashomer Hatza’ir movement. A number of years ago he began accepting Torah and Mitzvos and moved to Ohr Ganuz. Meir was the eldest of the family’s four children.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. We share their tremendous pain. Let all of us have thoughts of teshuva, and may Hashem console them and bring simcha to everyone.

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