Amos Gilad Meets Towards a Continuation of the Gaza Ceasefire

Defense Minister Ehud Barak has instructed the IDF to continue its low profile position in the hope of extending the Gaza ceasefire indefinitely. The ceasefire has been ongoing for about 4 months.

According to Hamas, after six months, Israel is compelled to extend the ceasefire to Yehuda and Shomron, which amounts to a pullout of IDF forces from those areas and a cessation of military operations. Israel never agreed to these terms. Nevertheless, Barak appears interested in extending the current situation, which he views as advantageous on the Israeli-Egyptian diplomatic front as well as giving southern residents an ability to live normal day-to-day lives. According to intelligence estimates, the current hiatus in rocket attacks is nothing more, warning Hamas is using the time to build itself up for the next round of warfare which will be more intense and more deadly as a result of the time allotted Hamas.

In addition, some senior military officials feel Gilad Shalit will not be released under current realities and no progress towards his release will occur in the absence of military pressure.

Extending the ceasefire past the six-month mark was the topic of discussion last Sunday between Defense Ministry official Amos Gilad and an Egyptian representative, meeting in Cairo.

In the meantime, Israel remains well-aware of the large quantities of shoulder-held rockets, weapons, ammunition and explosives being smuggled into Gaza from Egypt. Officials believe Hamas is preparing a large quantity of car bombs, laden with hundreds of kilograms of explosives, ahead of the next round of warfare with Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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