Birchas Kohanim at the Kosel on Thursday

Birchas Kohanim took place at the Kosel today, Thursday, the second day Chol Hamoed and the first day Chol Hamoed for visitors from abroad. Police estimate 80,000 plus visitors attended the event which takes place during the shachris and musaf davening. The shachris Birchas Kohanim took place at 9:00AM and musaf at 9:45AM.

At 3:30PM, there will be a hachnasas sefer torah and a “HaKhel” ceremony which follows shmitah year.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Hakhel-
    Nebbech, the zionists feel that they already have a “melech” – Nu, maybe Tzippi Livni should lain the Mishna Torah…

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