Some Akko Arabs Demanding State Assistance

Some members of Akko’s Arab community are demanding government assistance, explaining they left their homes since the Yom Kippur race riots erupted in the racially mixed city. The residents explain they are staying with relatives and some in hotels, demanding state aid, explaining they are unable to return home, fearing Jews in the city will harm them.

Israel Radio on Wednesday morning reported five Arab homes were partially or totally damaged as a result of the violence directed against them. An Akko City Hall official has met with a number of Arab residents and they were promised assistance.

Jews in the city are calling on police to take a firmer position to halt the violence, reporting a number of community members were injured in rock attacks, including an infant. The Jewish community blames the Arab leaders for inciting violence, calling on police to protect them. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel – This article written on the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael)

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