Israel: Shomron Residents Accuse Police of Violence

Residents of the Shomron community of Gilad Farm (Chavat Gilad) accuse police of brutality, which allegedly took place on Monday, erev Sukkos.

According to community residents, a border policeman on erev yomtov removed his identity tag and then assaulted a male resident, causing him injury. Another resident attempted to film the event and he was attacked by other border police. They explain that the border police harassed them and they used their police vehicles to block access to the community on erev yomtov, creating hardships for many. No one was permitted to enter or leave.

Residents explain they plan to file a complaint against the border policeman, whom they say is Khaled Hugi Gaah, explaining that while he did remove his identity tag they did get a photograph of his face, leading to his identification.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel – This article written on the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael)

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