Israel: Fatal Vehicular Accident Turns a Simcha into a Bittersweet Event

candle73.gifFor a little baby boy born on the first day of Sukkos in Yerushalayim’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, all is well. He is not aware of the tragedy that occurred as his parents made their way to the hospital. As a result, he will never know his paternal grandmother, Simcha Vaknin, a nurse, who was escorting her son and daughter-in-law to the hospital.

The day was to have been a joyous one. The young couple, Meital and Tzachi, arrived from Afula on erev yomtov with their three children, 5, 4, and 2, spending the first day of Sukkos with Tzachi’s parents. Meital, 27, planned to remain with her in-laws until she gave birth. Being that Mrs. Vaknin was a registered nurse, the young couple wished to take advantage of her professional skills and assistance.

They family celebrated the first night of yomtov in their sukka, singing songs and enjoying the family togetherness. At about 5:00AM, Meital felt labor pains beginning, prompting her to awaken Tzachi, who alerted his mom. Together, the three headed for Shaare Zedek Medical Center for the happy event.

On the way, life took a tragic turn. At the intersection of Golda Meir Boulevard and Yigal Alon in the Ramot neighborhood of the capital, 19-year-old Juliani Muhmad crashed into their vehicle. The Shuafat Refugee Camp resident struck the Vaknin vehicle because he did not yield the right of way, police traffic accident inspectors report.

Police report it appears that Simcha, who was seated in the rear, was not wearing her seat belt. She sustained very serious injuries and was transported to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital where she died of her injuries.

Meital was taken to the trauma unit as well, along with Tzachi, who sustained light injuries. Meital gave birth to a health boy and Tzachi was present during the delivery.

According to paramedic Yisrael Cohen, Meital appeared somewhat confused, apparently not really grasping what was occurring around her. “She was not oriented to place and time,” he added, explaining “the accident occurred during contractions, apparently increasing their intensity.”

Police report that Juliani is a new driver, adding he was not driving under the influence of alcohol. He sustained light injuries in the accident.

Today, baby Vaknin is alone, without visitors. Meital was admitted to an intensive care unit and doctors report Tzachi is in a state of shock, having great difficulty relating to the realities which changed the family’s life.

With teary eyes he added, “It is really difficult. I will wait for Meital to get out of intensive care and then we will see the baby together. Then I will tell her my mother is dead. I remember the accident. Mom yelled ‘Tzachi, take care of Meital’. I turned around and saw she was full of blood. They placed mom on the street aside the vehicle. Meital was in active labor.”

On motzei first day yomtov, Simcha was laid to rest in Yerushalayim. Tzachi stood at the fresh kever and asked mechila. “Ima, I am sorry. You were killed because of me”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel – This article written on the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael)

One Response

  1. It is SO difficult to comment on such a terrible tzarah. This story is heartbreaking. May Ha-Shem be menachem this family and may they know of no more tzaar. We are all crying with the family in this time of sorrow.

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