Attack Prevented – Chevron Tunnel Discovered

Authorities report the 100-meter tunnel detected in Chevron was discovered by PA (Palestinian Authority) security forces. The PA notified officials of the IDF’s Civil Administration following the discovery of the tunnel.

Officials report that the tunnel headed to an IDF pillbox position, leading officials to believe an attack against that IDF position was planned by terrorists in a PA controlled area of the city.

There is significance to the discovery of the tunnel, which signals a stepped-up effort by terrorists to perpetrate a ‘quality’ attack as has been more commonly seen in Hamas-controlled Gaza in the past, now working its way to an area under the control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and his Fatah Party. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel – This article written on the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael)

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