Kadima and Labor Expected to Sign Coalition Agreement

Marathon talks seem to have achieved the objective of both the Labor and Kadima Parties with reports indicating the two are about to approve a coalition agreement that will make Labor the major partner in the new government being headed by Tzipi Livni.

Barak is boasting major accomplishments as a result of negotiations during past weeks, primarily his success in raising the defense minister’s status in the new government, having a decision-making role in major issues including negotiations between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) and Syria.

By all accounts, it was clear Barak was looking for a way into the new government, well-aware elections would leave him without a senior cabinet post and labor, a party with a single-digit representation in the Knesset. Nevertheless, Barak is boasting his achievements in the coalition talks with Livni.

Kadima on the other hand is playing down Barak’s claim to victory, stating the concessions made to the Labor Party were by-and-large insignificant.

As far as Shas is concerned, it appears the Sephardic chareidi party is not close to entering the government at present.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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