Another Advisor Joins the Livni Team

The latest notable to join the team of advisors working to assist Premier-designate Tzipi Livni is Ephraim Halevy, a former director of the Mossad Intelligence Agency.

According to reports, Halevy is assisting Livni in a non-official capacity, but he is nonetheless advising her on matters pertaining to security. Should Livni succeed in forming a coalition government, it is very possible that Halevy will have an influence on the new government’s policies vis-à-vis Iran and its growing nuclear threat.

In recent statements, the former intelligence agency director expressed his opposition to a military strike against Iran, insisting reports that Tehran poses an existential threat to Israel are inaccurate.

Livni recently stated the Iranian problem is not just an Israeli one, but it poses a threat to the international community, adding not enough has been done to date to halt Iran’s ongoing nuclear enrichment efforts.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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