Israel: Arab Protests and Attacks Continue

Since the violence erupted in Akko on Yom Kippur, the hostility exhibited against the Jewish state by Israeli Arabs is becoming increasingly evident, exhibited outwardly in protests and acts of violence.

Marches and protests are taking place in a number of racially mixed cities including Haifa, as well as in the Beit Haninah, a predominately Arab neighborhood of Yerushalayim and other areas. Israel Police remains on high alert in Akko, as well as in other mixed cities around Israel to prevent the spread of racial violence, including Lod, Ramle and Jerusalem, with a particular emphasis placed on the Old City as Eretz Yisrael prepares to celebrate Sukkos.

In Beit Haninah, Haifa, and on Highway 65 in the Um el-Fahm area, protestors waved PLO flags and shouted anti-Israel epithets during protest marches.

Public Security Minister Avi Dichter continues to warn police will come down hard on law-breakers. To date, a reported 40 people, Jews and Arabs, have been arrested.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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