Porush Reaching Out to Dati Leumi Voters

porush1.jpgWith the November 11th Jerusalem mayoral election approaching, Rabbi Meir Porush, the chareidi candidate is reaching out to the Dati Leumi (National Religious) Camp. Recent polls show Porush’s victory is not a given and he has much work ahead to increase his voter base and to ensure his supporters get out and vote on Election Day.

Porush campaign officials are boasting Porush’s record of working tirelessly towards construction and expansion of Yesha communities in his various government capacities in the past. They are calling on the Dati Leumi community to come out and ensure Porush’s future to permit him to continue his work on behalf of Am Yisrael, including the Dati Leumi community.

This is particularly vital since generally speaking, Dati Leumi voters prefer not to support a chareidi candidate.

In a move to attract the chareidi voter, none other than Lipa Schmeltzer was chosen to sing a Porush election campaign jingle/song, which contains portions in Hebrew and Yiddish. This jingle is geared to the chareidi voting public.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Generally speaking, if Dati Leumi candidates did not support Politician Porush, they would be within their rights. This is a deal between the Chareidi camps. These camps rarely make attempts to work with the Dati Leumi yidden.

    So both the article and comment 1 are correct. I suggest to comment 2 that comment 1 is on the side of shalom and yiddishkeit as whole.

  2. How sad! Porush has no true Gedolim supporting him yet publicly and enthusiasticly so he is turning to another “gadol”, Lippa Shmeltzer, to try and woo the chareidi vote.
    Whilst all his efforts in the chiloni camp including internet and “treife” newspaper ads seem to have failed (according to all the polls) and even his “humorous” attempts on the bus billboards haven’t achieved anything other than a huge wasted outlay of money, he seems to have put his efforts now in to the mizrachistim. Here he indeed has a chance though I agree with previous comments that he will never achieve a 100% success there due to some having an inbuilt fear and aversion to the chareidi politicians. (If this is with them kal vechomer to the chilonim!!)
    Well Mr Porush are you going to try and attract the chareidi voter with something more real, more acceptable, more honest than a song by Lippa? May I suggest that you actually go and ask mechila from all the Gedolim that you so blantantly insulted, disregarded and disobeyed. You publicly promised that you would, well??!!

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