Army Officers Turn to Religious Services Minister to Assist in Building a Shul

In Kibbutz Beit Kama, there is much disagreement as the community is divided regarding calls to construct a mikve.

During recent years, the community was enlarged and hundreds of housing units were added and many of the newcomers are calling to build a mikve, a move that has many of the veteran members of the secular community angered. Baruch Hashem, this is an exception and in most places, the news is better.

Take Kibbutz Negba for example, the IDF’s Personnel Branch is constructing a community for officers in the kibbutz and a number of senior ranking military officials have already turned to Minister of Religious Services Rav Yitzchak Cohen for assistance in building a shul.

The minister looked into their request and realized it meets criteria and has ordered ministry’s legal advisor, Nissim Ochaiyon, to push it along in an expeditious fashion.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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