Police: Jews Torched Arab Apartment in Akko

mishtara23.jpgAkko police report that a fire in an Arab home in Akko was started by Jews as racial tensions in the city continue to flare.

According to police investigators, the fire was started when a firebomb was thrown at the home.

On motzei Shabbos, police maintained a heavy presence in the city, which began with the break-out of riots on Yom Kippur, but despite efforts, disturbances were reported as Jews and Arabs threw rocks at one another. On motzei Shabbos, a number of Jews were injured as a result of rock-attacks, including an infant.

Public Security Minister Avi Dichter last week pointed a finger of blame at the Muslim religious leaders in the mixed city for inciting congregants via the loudspeakers in mosque minarets.

Dichter warned Arabs and Jews that police will come down hard on law-breakers, stating there will be a zero-tolerance policy to ensure the violence does not continue. In the meantime, Akko Mayor Shimon Lankry is less than pleased with the police response, stating only several dozen people have been arrested, telling the media police believe it is best not to arrest too many people. He insists that if police truly move in and take a hard-hand policy, the violence will come to a swift end.

In a related matter, MK (National Union) Uri Ariel plans to file a complaint against MK Abas Zkoor (Ta’al) with the Knesset Ethics Committee. According to Ariel, the Arab lawmaker, a resident of Akko, did not summon police when the violence began on Yom Kippur, but called his fellow Arabs out in large numbers, contributing to the hostile atmosphere and violent attacks against Jews that resulted.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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