YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 10/12/08


*Today, Sunday, is day 117 of the virtual Gaza ceasefire.

*Today is Gilad Shalit’s 840th day in Hamas captivity.

*Three Arabs were lightly injured by rocks thrown at them in the Southern Chevron Hills area near Sussia.

*A Jewish motorist was involved in an accident in Shomron on motzei Shabbos near Maale Shomron after losing control of his vehicle after being targeted in a rock-throwing attack. There were no injuries reported.

*IDF soldiers involved in counter-terror operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron on motzei Shabbos arrested seven suspects.

*Border policemen were lightly injured when attacked by rocks in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Haninah on motzei Shabbos.

*An Arab concealing a knife was taken into custody at a Chevron area military checkpoint.


*60 calves brought to the Port of Haifa from Lithuania were stolen. Police are investigating, reporting the calves, intended for agricultural use, are worth some NIS 300,000.

*Hundreds took part in a Saturday protest, opposing the import of avocado, pineapple and other ‘exotic fruits’ from Israel for sale in the Hashemite Kingdom.

*Several dozen Arab protestors took to the street of Haifa on Saturday to express opposition to the riots in Akko. They waved PLO flags.

*Following the Yom Kippur Arab rioting in Akko, Jews are engaged in an SMS text messaging campaign urging one another to boycott Arab businesses in the city.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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