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Eretz Yisrael Motzei Yom Kippur News Roundup

ywn israel1.jpgViolence was the scene in Akko as Yom Kippur brought resulted in riots between the city’s Jews and Arabs. A few people were injured and close to 100 vehicles were set ablaze and/or damaged in the rioting. There were also reports of damage to a number of stores. Police on motzei Yom Kippur remain in high alert in the city to avoid a resumption of violence.

The rioting was apparently prompted by an Arab who ignored the Jewish holy day and drove his vehicle into the Ben-Gurion neighborhood after the start of Yom Kippur. His vehicle was stoned, somehow leading to rumors that he was killed, resulting in hundreds of Arabs beginning to riot, including damaging stores and parked vehicles and other property. Residents report the police response was not timely, and there was significant damage by the time authorities brought the situation under control.Police used fire hoses, teargas and other riot-control adjuncts to restore order.

Arab MK (Ta’al) Dr. Ahmed Tibi called the day’s events a “pogrom” carried out by Jews against Arabs.

** Police escaped injuries on Yom Kippur when three Arabs attacked them at a checkpoint on Dov Yosef Street in the capital. Police report the three smelled from alcohol.

** MDA responded to 1,786 calls for assistance on Yom Kippur, 28 people complained of not feeling well due the fast day. 58 people fainted and there were 6 resuscitation calls. 120 women in labor were transported to hospitals around the country. 176 youths and children were treated for skateboard and bicycle-related injuries and 55 people were injured in vehicular accidents.

** An Arab thief who hoped to break into numerous homes in Kfar Chabad during Kol Nidrei was apprehended and held until police arrived. A second thief did manage to get away.

** A Kassam rocket attack was launched on Yom Kippur. The rocket landed near Kissufim Crossing without injuries.

** A disagreement in a shul in the Kastel, near Yerushalayim, on Yom Kippur ended in one person injuring the second in his hand or arm with a knife. The assailant turned himself over to police.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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