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NATO Commander: We Cannot Stop Iran’s Nuclear Program

nuclear1.jpgNATO Commander Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stated on Monday that it does not appear that we can halt Iran’s nuclear program.
In support of Israel, the NATO commander stated he does not see any reason for Israel to abandon “its supposed nuclear arsenal”. The statement comes following the passing of a nuclear non-proliferation resolution by the (IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency, which calls for the elimination of all nuclear weapons in the Middle East.
Speaking to an audience in France, Scheffer stated he was concerned over the UN’s failure to halt Iran’s nuclear enrichment program. He admitted he is not optimistic regarding the international community succeeding in halting Iran before Tehran develops a nuclear weapon.
In a related matter, Iran recently delivered a letter to European Union (EU) Foreign Minister Javier Solana, stating the mounting international pressure would not bring about a resolution to the problem.
Expressing concerns over Iran’s brazen policy regarding international sanctions, exacerbated by efforts to enhance its ballistic missile program, Scheffer stated he believes the United Nations is not capable of much else other than continuing and increasing sanctions, falling short of taking the necessary measures to halt the Iranian program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. This is absurd. Is there some world conspiracy going on funded by arab money?

    The comment that Israel should not abandon it’s nuclear arsenal is not in support of Israel. Such a statement is a warning.

    So, this Commander Jaap de Hoop feels Iran’s nuclear program cannot be stopped, then how can he feel if, heaven forbid, nukes are, heaven forbid, flying through the air at targets?

    He should resign as he is unfit to be NATO Commander with such views.

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