Livni May Settle for a Minority Left-Wing Government

While Premier-designate Tzipi Livni is officially indicating she will not settle for a minority government but close associates and political analysts believe otherwise, stating if she does not reach a deal with Labor and Shas, the premier-designate will take a minority government supported by left-wing and Arab parties.
Kadima MK Ze’ev Elkin, who is aligned with the Shaul Mofaz camp in the party, states he and his colleagues would vehemently object to such a move.
While aides to Livni are confident she enjoys widespread public support, and that she would fare well if the nation goes to elections, the atmosphere has changed dramatically in the past week due to the global financial crisis. Livni is wise enough they say to realize in the current situation, she does not have a chance at the polls against opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu, a former finance minister, prompting her to realize that a narrow minority government is better than elections.
Labor officials are indicating a willingness to become a major coalition partner but they do not seem interested in joining a minority government, explaining it will just delay the inevitable, elections. If a broad-based coalition is not a possibility, Labor is indicating it prefers elections now.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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