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PA Forces Will be Deployed in Chevron

Israel has given approval for the deployment of PA (Palestinian Authority) forces in PA areas of Chevron, a move that is explained to halt the spread of Hamas influence in the area.
Israel is working to support the current PA leader in Yehuda and Shomron, Fatah-affiliated PA Chairman Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), whose position is tenuous according to many intelligence reports as Hamas continues to extend its tentacles from Gaza to Fatah-controlled areas.
The Ynet report that Israel has agreed to the PA troop deployment is not being confirmed by official sources in Yerushalayim.
According to PA sources, some 1,000 troops will take up position during Sukkos, next week, intended to “fight Hamas extremist elements”. According to Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Salem Fayyad, Chevron is likely to fall to Hamas control as the situation appears, prompting the request to Israel.
In related events, a senior Hamas delegation on Tuesday is traveling to Cairo from Damascus to discuss Egyptian efforts to reach an agreement between Hamas and Fatah. In the meantime, Hamas officials have signaled that when Abu Mazen’s term ends on January 8, 2009, they will no longer recognize him as being the president of the PA.
Hamas has stated that if Abu Mazen does not step down, they will appoint Deputy Hamas Speaker Ahmad Bahar as the temporary ruler until elections are held. They add that the house speaker should be appointed but he is currently imprisoned in Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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