Deri: Court Stole Democratic Right of Jerusalem Voters

deri23.jpgAryeh Deri, who on Monday announced he would not be petitioning the Supreme Court in the hope of overturning a district court decision, accuses the judicial system of stealing the democratic right of Jerusalem residents to vote their conscience. He explained that if he appeals, it will take at least two weeks, and it will result in too much tension and too much bad energy in the capital, which is not his intention.
During recent years, a new trend of the justices feeling they must lead the nation, he told Channel 10 TV News.
Deri expressed a tone of moderation and called on supporters to accept the decision and to wait for a future opportunity for his return to the political arena.
Deri was ruled ineligible to run in the Jerusalem mayoral election, with the district court stating the moral turpitude stain that prohibits him from entering the political arena will not expire in time for the November 11th mayoral race.
Election polls indicate Deri may be the most likely candidate to emerge a victor in the race, which now leaves Meir Porush of Agudat Yisrael as the chareidi candidate, with polls indicating he will not win against secular candidate Nir Barkat.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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