Haifa Chareidi Family Escapes Explosion and Fire

fire_02.jpgWhat is being described as a miracle by family members, a Haifa chareidi family on Monday night escaped near-death when an explosion rocked their Michael Street home, resulting in a major fire in the home as the children were fast asleep. The cause of the explosion has yet to be determined.
A Chabad avreich happened to be passing buy, and he entered the inferno without regard for his own safety, only to find the mother in a state of hysterics, unable to function as her world burned around her. As he quickly scanned the apartment, he saw children asleep, unaware of the perilous situation.
The fire department arrived quickly and Baruch Hashem, the blaze was brought under control and the family escaped physical injuries. The apartment and its contents were destroyed.
The family is affiliated with Haifa’s Seret Vishnitz community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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